different grains in square bowls
different grains in square bowls
different grains in square bowls

Barley, Farro, Sorghum and More: 9 Whole Grains to Try

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Whole grains have always been a staple of a healthy diet, and when you go to the market today, 你会发现很多选择——其中一些你可能还没有尝试过.

Ashli Greenwald, a registered dietitian, explains what whole grains are and how they can improve your health, and provides tips on introducing new grains into your diet.

What is a whole grain?

“A whole grain is one that’s not processed,” Greenwald explains. “它是在自然状态下食用或准备的,因为它在地下生长. That way, you get all its components: the bran, the germ and the endosperm, where all the fiber, minerals and healthy fats are.”

她说,加工和精制谷物产品是购物者在商店里最有可能看到的产品. “大多数商业面包都是用谷物制成的,这些谷物在加工过程中已经去除了一些成分,因此可以在货架上保存更长时间, 通常质地绵软,很受美国消费者的欢迎. ‛Enriched’ flour has had some of the vitamins put back in, but it’s still not as healthy as eating whole grain flour and foods.”

Good Carbs: Whole Grain Health Benefits

After decades of avoiding “carbs,” people are rediscovering good (complex) carbohydrates, including whole grains. They’re good for you in several ways, Greenwald says.

Vitamins, Minerals and More

她说:“全谷物,因为是在地里生长的,所以富含营养。. 它们含有多种B族维生素和微量矿物质,如铁、锌、镁和铜. Some whole grains are good sources of protein.

你还可以获得植物营养素:植物性化合物可以减少炎症,降低患心脏病的几率, diabetes and even some kinds of cancer,” says Greenwald.

Gut Health and Weight Loss

Because they’re high in fiber, these foods help you feel full and satisfied, which can help you shed pounds. And, unlike refined carbs such as white flour, white bread, white pasta, pastries and other sweets, whole grains are less likely to cause a spike in blood sugar.

Soluble fiber in these grains may help you lower your cholesterol. It also slows down digestion so you feel fuller longer. As a bonus, soluble fiber can act as a prebiotic, providing nourishment for the good bacteria that keep your gut healthy.

The other kind of fiber, insoluble fiber from the husks of whole grains, supports bowel health and may prevent constipation, gallstones, hemorrhoids and other discomforts.

How many of these whole grains have you tried?

其中一些全谷物可以在大型杂货店的货架上找到. 其他的可以在较小的、专业的健康食品商店或有机市场买到. You can even order harder-to-find items online.

1. Amaranth

高蛋白苋菜在南美已经食用了几千年, 传说阿兹特克人把苋菜称为“长生不老的食物”.格林沃尔德向她的推荐十大正规网赌平台推荐苋菜,因为它营养丰富, gluten free and easy to bake with. 她说:“在大多数食谱中,你可以使用与普通面粉相同数量的苋菜粉。.

Tips for Amaranth Recipes

  • You can pop amaranth like popcorn.
  • Amaranth flour can work in gluten-free baking, such as muffins.
  • The distinctive, slightly spicy flavor works well with corn and squash dishes, and pairs nicely with cinnamon in desserts.

2. Barley

Like wheat, barley comes from a plant that is part of the grass family. Whole grain barley (not “pearl”) has an appealing, nutlike flavor. 它含有麸质,所以如果你有乳糜泻,你必须避免它. 浸泡或发芽大麦给你更多的好处,使其营养更容易被身体吸收.

Tips for Barley Recipes

  • 用发芽的大麦面粉烤一些面包——与普通面粉相比,大麦面粉营养丰富.
  • Add texture to soup with whole grain barley instead of white rice.

3. Bulgur

格林沃尔德解释说,碾碎的小麦经过部分煮熟,然后干燥. It’s the main ingredient in tabbouleh, a Middle Eastern dish flavored with mint, parsley and tomatoes. But it’s incredibly versatile, 它的快速烹饪时间(10分钟)使它成为忙碌的人想要将全谷物纳入他们的饮食中的营养选择.

Tips for Bulgur Recipes

  • 用柠檬、橄榄油、盐和胡椒粉做简单的调味料,干碎面包就很美味.
  • It can be added to homemade veggie burgers or vegetarian chili.
  • It makes a good filler for meatballs and meatloaves.

4. Farro

Farro refers to any one of three ancient grains from the Triticum family, first cultivated and eaten over 2,000 years ago. It is still popular in Tuscan and other Mediterranean cuisine. In addition to great taste, the large, whole-grain version of farro provides healthy fiber and protein. Its pleasantly chewy texture holds up well, even in soups and stews. 全谷物版的小麦比去壳或“珍珠”型的小麦更有营养.

Freekeh is another form of wheat. 谷物收割时仍是绿色的,并烘烤以获得极好的风味. It can be used in recipes calling for quinoa, wheatberries or farro.

Tips for Farro Recipes

  • Soak whole grain farro overnight before cooking.
  • Toss with kale and other veggies for a delicious salad.
  • Add to soups or serve with a drizzle of olive oil and seasonings.

5. Millet

Millet — a tiny, hard grain — is the main ingredient in bird seed. 然而,它也是一种富含蛋白质的全谷物,被世界上许多国家的人们食用. Millet, as a crop, is lauded for its hardiness and ease of cultivation. 在中国烹饪中,小米可以作为一种叫粥的热而美味的粥的基础.

Tips for Millet Recipes

  • 小米适合亚洲菜肴,可以在炒菜中代替米饭.
  • Try millet cooked and served hot as a breakfast cereal.
  • It can be seasoned and pressed into patties for veggie burgers.

6. Whole Oats

Unlike the processed, sugar-laden flavor packets of instant oatmeal, 全燕麦或钢切的品种给你提供了这种多用途谷物的所有好处. And it’s not just for breakfast anymore.

Tips for Whole Oat Recipes

  • Enjoy whole oats for breakfast in hot cereal, muesli or muffins.
  • Add fresh whole berries for antioxidant power.
  • 尝试用全燕麦作为健康的替代品,代替汉堡或肉饼中的面包屑.

7. Quinoa

读作“KEEN-wah”,这种多用途的无麸质谷物实际上是一种可食用的种子. It is a healthier substitute for white rice, and can be eaten as a hot breakfast dish, a base for salad, an addition to soup and much more. Greenwald points out that quinoa is a complete protein source, 我们身体需要从食物中获取的九种氨基酸.

Tips for Quinoa Recipes

  • There are over 100 kinds of quinoa. White and yellow types have the mildest taste; black quinoa has the most intense flavor.
  • Be sure to rinse the quinoa thoroughly before cooking.
  • 当苍白的藜麦外壳开始与内部胚芽分离时,就完成了.

8. Sorghum

What is sorghum? Like corn, 它是一种重要的全谷物,用于制造燃料,喂养动物和人类, but takes far less water to cultivate and matures quickly, and so it is more environmentally friendly. Sorghum is originally from Africa, 最初作为糖蜜的原料出现在南美人的餐桌上. 它富含抗氧化剂、维生素和矿物质,但不含麸质. 每半杯含有10克蛋白质,既营养又饱腹.

Tips for Sorghum Recipes

  • Sorghum has roots in African heritage cuisine, and works well with Creole and Cajun dishes and flavors.
  • 美食餐厅用它来制作面饼和西班牙式米饭.
  • 试着把它和调味汁和蔬菜一起搅拌,做成营养丰富的沙拉或皮塔饼馅.

9. Teff

这些微小的谷物提供了一种温和的坚果味,还有铁和其他矿物质. Teff flour is used to make injera, 埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚传统美食中用来舀炖菜的美味面饼. Because the gluten-free grains are so small, there is a high proportion of germ and bran, the most nutritious parts of whole grains. 

Tips for Teff Recipes

  • 格林沃尔德说,苔麸是一种非常好的热麦片,可以用作玉米粥或配菜.
  • 你可以用苔麸做隔夜粥,加水放在冰箱里过夜.
  • When prepared like rice, teff can be ready in 15 or 20 minutes.

Whole Grains and Gas

有些人不愿享受全谷物的好处,因为他们担心 bloating or intestinal gas. If your system isn’t used to healthy, high-fiber foods, 格林沃尔德说,在饮食中逐渐引入全谷物有助于避免这些症状. “Start with smaller servings,” she suggests, “and make sure you increase the amount of water you drink.”

Over time, you may notice healthier digestion. Once whole grains become a mainstay in your meals, you are more likely to avoid constipation, which is a common cause for intestinal gas and bloating.

Whole Grains and Your Healthy Diet

格林沃尔德说,全谷物可以为你的膳食添加许多有益的营养和风味. “有意识地将全谷物纳入膳食可以最大限度地发挥它们提供的健康益处,” she says.

“Using healthy plate guidelines for portions, your serving of whole grains should take up about 25% of your plate, 瘦肉蛋白占25%剩下的一半是蔬菜,” she recommends.

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