
The Johns Hopkins Dietetic Internship is a 41-week full-time program with a medical nutrition therapy emphasis. 经验满足能力,并为入门级饮食实践提供培训, and have been designed for the educational and supervised experience required to sit for the Commission on Dietetics Registration Exam for Dietitians. 全日制项目每年最多招收10名实习生.

约翰霍普金斯湾景提供全方位服务, 拥有426个床位的社区教学医院和持续护理设施位于1,000英亩的校园在巴尔的摩, 马里兰. 医学院的专业中心包括一个伤口护理中心, 新生儿重症监护病房, 燃烧装置, 持续护理机构, 减肥手术和肿瘤学联合委员会卓越中心, 酒精和毒品治疗中心, 心脏康复项目.

JHBMC是约翰霍普金斯健康系统的一部分. 约翰霍普金斯医院也将进行轮换, 并将定期安排在其他 约翰霍普金斯大学在巴尔的摩-华盛顿特区的附属机构.C.、地区.

营养实习计划是由认可的 营养及营养学教育认可委员会(ACEND), 营养与饮食学会的认证机构, 南滨江广场120号, 2190套房, 芝加哥, 伊利诺斯州60606 - 6995, 1-800-877-1600, ext. 5400. 了解更多关于需求和流程的信息 成为注册营养师. 各州对营养学执业执照的要求各不相同. The dietetic internship curriculum meets state requirements for licensure/certification. 国家特许 is entirely separate and distinct from registration or certification by the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR).


Learn more about the Dietetic Internship and MSPH-Dietitian Graduate Program at Johns Hopkins.




  • To provide dietetic registration opportunities for qualified graduates of didactic programs in dietetics in preparation to become skilled entry-level registered dietitian nutritionists.
  • To provide the highest quality training in the field of nutrition and dietetics through a strong, 跨学科培训团队.
  • To promote the development of dietetic professionals who are able to embrace proven theory, 评价当前的研究, 并与其他卫生专业人员进行有效沟通, 同行和外行.

The program staff and preceptors are committed to preparing graduates to become outstanding dietetics professionals. 本计划的目标和成果衡量标准如下:


The dietetic internship program has maintained a 99-percent completion rate since its inception in 2001. 在过去的5年里, 100 percent of graduates have taken and passed the RD exam; 100 percent of graduates achieved first-time passing score on the RD exam.




为了开始营养学实习, 所有实习生都必须接受犯罪背景调查, 药物筛选, 有结核清除或提供当前的肺部x光片, 提供免疫接种证明, receive a flu vaccine and have a physical exam at the 约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心 Occupational 健康 Department. 在秋季实习期间需要注射流感疫苗. 这些都是免费提供的. The student will follow the 约翰霍普金斯医学院 policies and procedures relating to COVID-19, 包括, 但不限于, 疫苗和个人防护装备的使用. Clearance will be determined by the 约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心 Human Resources and Occupational 健康 Departments.

除了, 健康保险, car insurance (if using a car during the internship) and an Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) student membership are required.


实习的学费为1万美元,全年分两期支付. A $5,000 deposit of the program fee shall be paid by June 1, preceding the start of the internship. 剩余的5000美元应不迟于7月15日支付. 所有费用恕不退还,并有可能更改.



 费用 估计成本
营养与饮食学会学生会员 $58
 营养集中的身体检查口袋指南 外加会员折扣,$25
安全鞋 $50

实习生需要有互联网连接,以便进行电子邮件通信, 家庭作业和项目, 访问共享文档, 会议, 以及其他日常监督实践活动. 建议学员拥有自己的个人电脑. 然而, adequate office space and computers are provided on campus and are available at all times for any distance component of the program.
